Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Host ~ Stephenie Meyer

I've always found it interesting when an author takes a chance of sorts by departing from their "typical" format.  Stephenie Meyer's "typical" format, or at the least the work she is most well-known for, is the teenage vampire love story.  While The Host is also a love story, it is uniquely different from the Twilight Saga.  I will admit that it took me a little while to get into the story, but once I became attached to the characters (and trust me, you will become attached), I couldn't put it down.

The basic premise is simple - an alien life form, which survives as a parasite by taking over the body of its host, has landed on Earth and has begun taking over the human race.  The human soul is simply overshadowed by the parasite soul.  But what if a human soul had something to fight for?  Something to remain for?  Ms. Meyer transforms the parasite soul into a being that we can relate to, that we can root for.

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